The Villa
In the hills just before reaching Spinetoli, along the Via Piediprato, you will find the splendid and imposing Villa Cardi on the right hand side of the road behind beautiful iron gates.
The large gardens of Villa Cardi are located on various levels which are connected through stairs and fountain features, the panoramic views extend as far as the Adriatic coast, the Gran Sasso mountains and over the valley of the river Tronto. Tall trees and cypresses adorn the garden and have been used for the typical ´capanna´s´, farmhand shelters, which are also found in other parts of the region in lemon groves and the forests of Roccolo.
The neoclassical villa is characterized by a large mask of travertine on top of the main façade and relief with two cupids supporting a garland underneath.
Next to the Villa, now in use as a holiday residence, are the Fattoria, the farm, the cellars, the Bigattiera (where silk worms were cultivated) and the granary, located in a dominant position such as to supervise the work that took place in the fields and in the different buildings of the farm. Just above, towards Spinetoli, you can see l’Oratorio , a chapel dedicated to S. Rocco. In the interior you will find neoclassical frescoes and a panel with the date of construction of the first nucleus in 1797.
After careful restoration of the farm complex, which was finalized in 2015, three elegant holiday residences were built, the "Villa Cardi Apartments", "The Wild One", "The Thistle" and "The Basset Hound".

Olive oil extra vergine "Azienda Agricola Villa Cardi"
The hilly olive groves of the Villa Cardi farm, have an ancient vocation for the production of quality olive oil, located south of the Marche in the province of Ascoli Piceno, in the Municipalities of Spinetoli and Monsampolo, close to the Valle del Tronto, in a lush valley where oil has always been the pride of peasant culture.
The extra virgin olive oil of "Azienda Agricola Villa Cardi" is extracted using the "continuous" method that uses the new centrifuge extraction system, allowing the typically fruity and spicy variety that is at the basis of this particular climate and soil environment, the agro-techniques and the tradition of oil extraction that determines a typical and high quality oil.
The excellent result is also determined by the varieties used such as Leccino, Frantoio, Carboncella and Tenera Ascolana that create different and unique nuances and aromas.